Evolution of Architecture
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As there are new technical developments, key building blocks continue to improve, and the ecosystem around the DAO progressively decentralizes, we anticipate that the OD DAO will progress through several epochs of architecture, decentralizing further with each step.
As there are new technical developments, key building blocks continue to improve, and the ecosystem around the DAO progressively decentralizes, we anticipate that the OD DAO will progress through several epochs of architecture, decentralizing further with each step.
The first epoch has the most conservative assumptions regarding the availability of cross-chain bridging technology, while assuming Ethereum fees remain at a relatively high price relative to USD. Therefore, governance capabilities will be deployed on to every chain the governance token is wrapped to, this includes but is not limited to Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Conflux.
In this epoch, the architecture is split amongst three sub-architectures; the Ethereum Blockchain, other Layer-1 or Layer-2 blockchain platforms, and ordinary Web2.0 or IPFS infrastructure.
Polling tolls are deployed on Ethereum and onto each blockchain that the Governance Token is bridged to allowing for voting participation in the DAO. The Voting module is used by members to decide on strategy for the OD DAO, including DeFi strategies, and supporting incubation opportunities, and the votes are aggregated using a Multi-chain vote aggregation module. At this initial stage, for efficiency and safety, a community-driven Gnosis Safe Multisig (5 of 9) is used to enact governance decisions over Treasury functions, including deployment of tokens for Liquidity Provision in DeFi yield opportunities as well as incubation opportunities.
A “mirror” Gnosis Safe Multisig exists on other Blockchains acting as an Oracle for community-driven DAO decision made through Voting, and enacting those decisions on liquidity pools, yield aggregators, other DeFi smart contracts, and any Incubated projects residing on those other blockchains.
The governance token will originate in the form of an ERC-20. For distribution on alternate chains, including liquidity mining rewards, the token bridge(s) will facilitate the wrapping and unwrapping of the OD DAO Governance token onto the respective blockchain.
A Forum module exists as a deployment of the Aragon Company Template DAO, that enables OD Governance token holders to participate in discussions on-chain, and also voting. The on-chain forum is planned to launch a few weeks after OD DAO goes live.
IPFS is used to serve User Interface elements off-chain, as well as rich documents, including long-form proposals in front of the DAO, as well as long-form forum posts which could include multimedia elements.
In the Second Epoch, enactment of votes aggregated by the Multi-chain Vote aggregator concerning the Treasury, and control over liquidity pools, Yield Aggregators, and Incubated Projects is turned over to SafeSnap with Kleros serving as a Dispute Resolution layer. However, in this epoch, the Multisig remains as a fail-safe with veto power over any submitted decisions that are clearly harmful to the DAO.
In the Third Epoch, enactment of all DAO operations including core code upgrades, and minting of the Open DeFi DAO’s Contributor token are turned over to the SafeSnap + Kleros. In this epoch, the social norms around Open DeFi DAO governance have sufficiently matured, and there is no longer a need for any sort of multisig. In this epoch, the capabilities of the Inter-blockchain bridge now include arbitrary message passing, allowing one Gnosis safe to pass through or forward actions to other Layer-1 or Layer-2 blockchains.